Sunday, July 7, 2013

a time and a place

I'm curious - am I the only one to feel this way about certain chores? I was just vacuuming at 9.30 pm (21.30- Thijs put us on military/European time) and I just feel that this is not the time for that particular chore, certainly not on a Sunday evening.

On the other hand, ironing feels to me like a typical evening chore. Then I started thinking about this whole time and place thing, and it occurred to me that my mom would mostly iron in the evenings (at least, as far as I recall) and do the vacuuming in the mornings (per example, there are other chores of course).

Last Thursday was Independence Day and my love and I celebrated this together (our first one without kids) with a nice walk and lots of relaxing. I worked the next two days, which made for an non-traditional weekend experience. I felt that I had a lot of catching up to do today, hence perhaps the odd timing of vacuuming and all. But really, it is not like I do all that much on a regular Saturday...

Still I managed to finally finish my two-at-a-time-upside-down socks, and I enjoyed watching fabulous tennis matches on TV (while taking up my lazy knitting blanket again).

The girls keep us somewhat updated on their cross-country adventure, and the news is all positive so far. Thijs has been spending time with his girlfriend, various friends, and work, and we don't see him all that much either. So we are getting some practice in this empty -and quiet- nest thing.


  1. Funny about time of day and chores, and our how we experiencsd it growing up. My mother often ironed when she watched her one episode of soap opera, probably so she wouldn't feel guilty to watch tv during the day. Same, but I hate ironing so I fold when I watch my british pd drama episodes during the day! Thanks for bri g me to thi k about that!

  2. Yes, I iron usually with the TV on, but actually I don't really watch I think. It just feels better to appear to multi task...
    folding I do on our bed so I can make piles for each person.
    I used to like ironing, I think because my mom would let me help and I ironed handkerchiefs (yes...I got laughed at for that later in life...) which is really rewarding because they smooth out so nicely. Now I am not a fan mainly because there is just so much to iron...
    I'm glad you liked to think about how your habits and ideas have formed. Funny isn't it?
