Sunday, March 10, 2013

within a week

Time has always been a vague concept for me to grasp. I'm no good with years at all- so when people are telling a story and they include that kind of information, I am easily impressed. For me time is elastic, some days fast other days a varying speed. Was something only two months ago or was it more than a year?

This was actually last week, of that I'm pretty sure.

 And this was today! The prediction was quite different and so my girls and I had planned a shopping expedition. The shopping was hugely unsuccessful. Spending time together was great.

This month will be the anniversary of our 'coming to America'. Which year it was I can only determine when I think about how young the kids were during that move, Thijs just 2 and Vera and Emma 11 months.

Trying to put all my thoughts and emotions about way back (and not so long ago) in words on this blog seems impossible. The first year was not easy at all. Thijs and I both had Heimweh, Thijs begging me to speak German with him and telling me (in Dutch) "mamma, ik ben klaar met wonen hier, kunnen we nu weer bij Frau Appelt op bezoek?' / "mommy, I'm done with living here, can we go visit Mrs. Appelt? "

Yet here we still are, the kids acculturated and Robert and I probably more so than we realize. Although I will always keep my accent, and my 'European-ness'.

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