Wednesday, March 6, 2013


I was tagged by my friend Julie  as a person who could answer 11 weird questions then tag 11 people to do the same.

 Now, I can answer weird questions no problem, even though they did not seem that weird to me- which should tell you something- but the tagging of 11 people I can't do. So I am cheating and just answering the questions. It also postpones the two tasks still waiting for me: folding laundry and exercising.

1. What is the strangest thing you have ever eaten in public?

If I only knew! Oh wait...I guess some people would think those crunchy roasted ants weird...including me, and this was long before I turned vegetarian.

2. If you had to go on an adventure, with elves, dwarves, or hobbits, who would you take and why?

My first thought is elves of course, wood elves. Never dwarves. But then again, hobbits...they definitely know how to enjoy the good things in life.

3. You are at a rural retreat lodge somewhere deep in Wisconsin or Canada. You are approached by a taxidermist who hands you a stuffed badger and asks you to put it in your lap. What do you do next?

Uh, yuk- but always polite, I would do it, then likely end up absentmindedly stroking it while having a conversation with the taxidermist.

4. If you were given biscotti, would you prefer it with coffee, tea, or hot chocolate

Depending on the time of day, coffee in the morning, tea after noon, and alas, hot chocolate makes me ill.

5. In your opinion, who is the funniest man or woman alive today (comedian)

It is very hard to make me lol as a comedian, but I love joking around with my family and friends. Life is funny, or it can be. It is better to see the humor in everyday happenings.

6. If you were given thirty seconds on television to say something, what would it be?

Not good at public speaking- and with that kind of pressure...I would love to introduce someone who eloquently can make a point in that amount of time. 

7. What is your idea of the most romantic date setting ever?

Somewhere remote in nature, the mountains or the California hills/ocean... absolutely not tropical- and the whole day and night to enjoy it

8. If you could go on one date with a movie or television star, who would it be and why?

Can I pick an author? How about Steinbeck?

9. What is the worst song you have ever heard?

Must be some number that my son's roommate played in the car on the way back to their dorm, thankfully no idea what it was called or by whom, but certainly was excruciating.  

10. If you could live anywhere else, where would it be?

Somewhere where they have universal Health Care. And if they would have it everywhere and I could pick then, it would be difficult to choose, but it would have to have beach with cliffs and mountains close by. And somewhat windy and not too many mosquitoes. 

11. Who- in your opinion- was the greatest person to ever live?

Nobody was/is/will be the greatest. 

Thanks Julie!


  1. I'm moving with you to get universal healthcare - just give me a week's notice! Love you!

  2. Julie, that sounds like a totally fabulous plan. You got your eye on any particular place?
