Wednesday, September 26, 2012

the long and short of it

Long day, short night- I'm sure most of you recognize that from your own lives. Every one of those long days has many moments to enjoy, some long, some short...

For instance...the moment when Lucy decides to cuddle on my lap. Or when Mila comes in all talkative and her hyper self then plops down on the kitchen floor. Homer purring next to me when I fall asleep.

Getting the paper in the dark and on a good day breathe the cool air looking up at the stars. Coffee. Driving into the city in the morning, being able to see the dawn of the day and sometimes as extra treat a beautiful sunrise.

Gustav Klimt
At work today, it was the moment I ran into a former patient's mother who immediately led me to her baby to show of how well the little one was doing and thanked me as if I personally had saved the little one's life.

art in Rome, on the hill
When my love picks me up from work, the ride home- talking about our days and 'stuff'. Tonight it was the color of the sky when I finally left the parking lot. When my girls both join us for dinner.

This coming weekend I hope to add 'when we went zip-lining' to my favorite moments...we'll see (uh, yes I am a little skeptical and a lot scared).  For now, I am happy that I made a dent in the laundry mountain and that I am starting my short night soon!

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