Saturday, September 29, 2012

it is all a phase

...that's what I tried to remind myself of when the kids were little and in a particularly difficult period...this too shall pass. Sometimes it doesn't pass but progresses, or transitions, or...hmm, I guess I will ponder these concepts some more this weekend.

In any case, we have entered the fall season in our yard. I was quite excited to see items such as 'boot topper' and thick socks and shawls in the store this morning. What is a boot topper you may ask, well, I have been wondering about the functionality of such an item myself, and would likely never purchase it (also because it looks easy to knit up a pair real quick), nevertheless, it was exciting to spot things like that.

The weather today is absolutely gorgeous, and my love and I went for a walk in a nature preserve before hitting the grocery store for the necessary stuff. And then we sat outside, drinking coffee and just relaxing. Wow.  I mean, I haven't really gotten the hang of this full-time working mom thing yet, and so I do feel somewhat guilty if I just sit and relax with the house in the state it is in, and yet, how can I pass up this gorgeousness?

Of course, we had to attempt to tune out the chain saws and lawn mowers - it sure sounded like the neighbors had decided to take turns, one would cease, another would start up. That goes with the luxury of living in a wooded area with large lawns to boot.

My lovely Mila posing, well, okay, I had to be quick, she really does not sit still for very long.

Tomorrow we are going zip lining, I mentioned that already I know. This activity was not exactly on my bucket list... The best thing about it is that we are going with the five of us, as a family. And maybe there are some fall colors to enjoy in the process as well.


  1. Thanx Margje, I just love to see your pictures and read about you living your live. Elsbeth

  2. you are very welcome! I'm glad you like it. I didn't really think that people were waiting for my mundane suburban stuff-
    And I can't write about work, which is a lot more interesting but also confidential.
    Hope you are all doing well these days!
