Sunday, September 22, 2013

I am aware

...of all the mass killings/deaths and tragedies in the world, just this weekend alone...D.C., Baghdad, Nairobi -
I am very aware, as a social worker and privately, of rampant poverty. And I do care, deeply. Those are not the kind of things I want to talk about on this blog.

I choose to look at the bright side (of my life), and I credit my love, a counselor named Margo, and Lisa Alther's  book 'other women' (among influences from several dear friends) with becoming the glass-half-full kind of person I currently am. This was definitely not always the case. I used to mourn every dead bird (reference to the afore mentioned book) and that really did not get me anywhere but in the dumps. Plus, it did not help anyone else.

I am not turning a cold shoulder, I am focusing on the beauty and the joy to survive the darkness. Like re-posting inspiring pictures and quotes on my tumblr Purely for my mental health. So that I can try and make a (very) small difference during the workweek. That is all.

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