Friday, January 11, 2013

taking a moment

Today, I'm taking a few moments for myself. That  involves some staring into space, some processing of thoughts and feelings, some household chores, some catching up on favorite blogs, etc. Perhaps even re-starting work on the quilt for Thijs!

I slept in - which always seems like a good idea the night before but usually leaves me groggy and with huge bags under my eyes for the rest of the day- and had too much coffee. It was a grey gray morning and being the amateur photographer that I am, I struggled to make it look beautiful in the pictures from my walk-about.

left over snow man made by Thijs and Lauren on new year's eve

In Dutch, we call the above 'elven bankjes' (not the official name, I'm sure) which means elf-sofas. We've got a tree full of these, perhaps I should camp out and attempt to snap some elf-pictures?

The sun is shining now but that does not really make the left-overs drenched in fallen leaves look any better in the yard.

back side
I finally finished one of the Christmas presents I was knitting (another one in the works, now that I know what I am doing). It is a knitted tie! Our friend Jake loves ties and had asked for a knitted one last year, I mean, two years ago...Pattern found on Ravelry.

I am very happy to have a job and more requests for supplementing than I can handle (sometimes), but today I needed to catch up with myself. Lucky me!


  1. I wish I had some elvbankjes in the yard! No snow where you are yet?

  2. yes, we did have snow, a nice amount too (see the left-over snowman) but now it is 'warm' for two days, before it will snow again. In your parts it should snow a bit more anyway, it usually is quite pitiful here.
