Saturday, July 14, 2012


And it is weekend again! There was a lot learned this past week. I can't tell you all about work, due to confidentiality laws and regulations ( a good thing!). So that leaves little to report, because this past week I was having some irritating problem with my neck and shoulder muscles and was thus exhausted at night. It follows that I will have to do major damage control in the home this weekend, now that I am doing a bit better. I am actually looking forward to it now that I can move without  pain!

hosta flower
Yesterday I started a little later and I had an actual stroll on the garden path with Lucy, a cup of coffee, and my garden shears to dead-head some daisies.

We still have a major heatwave going, but at 7.15 am, it was really quite pleasant outside! The weekend looks promising with all kinds of plans for everyone. I hope to share a few of the events with you all later!


  1. Prachtig die hosta foto Margje! Yay for you! ;-)
    Niet 'yay' is al die pijn! Spanning en/ of musclepain?

  2. dankje- I try... :). En wie weet wat dat is met die nek/schouder, kan spanning zijn, kan een verkeerde beweging zijn geweest...Het is inderdaad heel vervelend en vermoeiend, maar, er komt een eind aan, dat is het belangerijkste. Ik ben er bijna vanaf.
