Tuesday, March 10, 2015


number umpteen-and-a-half why I may fit in the Pacific Northwest : I enjoy a good moody day.

Last week's snow vaporized in warmer temperatures with even more encouragement from rain and drizzle. I'll say that I enjoyed it mostly from the relative safety of the car (there and back home again from work) and took the pictures from the doorway, but still.

Plus I can't decide between ocean and mountains, contemplating this over a good strong cup of dark roasted bold coffee....(there really is nothing to contemplate because there is no move imminent- but one can dream/contemplate).

And, it sort of fits my mood, at least for the past couple days, while I process some less positive news in between messages of celebrations. Life- I should not have been so optimistic as to allow the thought that this year appeared to be the year for good news all around.

And I love pine trees, all types, so there is that. Totally useless contemplations, I am aware (wait, that is NOT the plural of contemplation? ). Enough of this procrastination tactic- I need to move, as in exercise. All the sitting around (okay that sounds like we're lollygagging at work, which is definitely not the case) is starting to not feel so good.


  1. Yep, definitely time to move over here! ;-)

  2. I would if I could!!! On the other hand...this is closer to the kids for now, and I just got a new job I love. It is really on my wish list to check out your side of the country!
